FourBridges is an organization run by experienced leaders in research and fostering cross discipline communities and their impacts on society
Principals’ Project experience include:
Current Projects:
Ocean Obs Research Coordination Network – The OceanObs RCN is a US NSF-sponsored forum on all aspects of ocean observing: to identify advances and challenges in ocean observing; to promote new technologies and their cost-effective development, identify policy priorities, and highlight capacity building requirements for the next decade
Iliad Digital Twins – The EU-funded ILIAD project creates an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO) contributing understand and forecasting the ocean and ocean applications
EC_OBPSS – European Cinea contract for creation of a European Best Practices and Standards repository
BlueCloud 2026 – Blue-Cloud 2026 leverages Europe’s expertise in aquatic environmental observation and data handling, building on existing infrastructures to create a federated ecosystem for FAIR and open data in marine research.
ObsSea4Clim – ObsSea4Clim is a European project to deliver an improved framework for nations’ contributions to European ocean observations of EOV/ECVs (Essential Ocean Variables/Essential Climate Variables) in support of regional and global climate assessments, projections and actionable indicators for sustainable development.
Ocean Best Practices System – The Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) is a UNESCO IOC global project aimed at improving and standardising practices for collecting, analysing and sharing ocean data and information.
Previous projects in the last ten years:
AtlantOS – The vision of the AtlantOS project was to improve and innovate Atlantic observing to obtain an international, more sustainable, more efficient, more integrated, and fit-for-purpose system
CAPARDUS – Capacity-building in Arctic standardization development, EC Horizon 2020 project for Arctic best practices and standards
EuroSea – Towards a user-focused, interdisciplinary, and responsive European ocean observing and forecasting system
GEOValue – GEOValue is an international community with focus on the value and socio-economic impacts of geospatial information for decision-making.
JERICO – JERICO–S3 provides an evolution to a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose and visionary observational research infrastructure, expertise and high- quality data on European coastal and shelf seas
NeXOS – NeXOS developed new cost-effective, innovative and compact integrated multifunctional sensor systems (ocean optics, ocean passive acoustics, and fisheries ) deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms.
Research Data Alliance – The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a community-driven initiative with the vision that researchers and innovators can openly share and re-use data through engaging natural, data and social sciences.